Metanium Number 2 of 10 in Nappy Cream

Not the most well known nappy cream brand and second to Sudocrem for quality. A number of comments say they use it when severe nappy rash occurs.


  • Good Product Quality


  • A number of comments say it stains
  • Negative comments about the colour.
  • Some say it is expensive

"Very good when nappy rash is very bad. Slightly expensive for what you get though"
Selected Review


For those occasions when nappy rash does strike, Metanium Nappy Rash Ointment, available from your pharmacy soothes and treats nappy rash. Price shown for 30g Ointment.

More Product Information

RSP £ 3.00

1125 Ratings

Overall Rating

Value for Money 3/5
Quality 4/5
Awareness 2/5
Loyalty 2/5
Popularity 1/5

Most Helpful Reviews

Amazing at clearing up nappy rash quickly and effectively, I always have some in the house just in case so I can use it at first signs of a sore bum and it stops it from getting any worse, amazing and very cheap for what it does!

Value for Money 5/5
Quality 5/5

Is this review helpful? (2)

Cleared my little girl sore bottom up quickly. Only use it when she is teething as that's when her bottom gets very sore and only need a little amount

Value for Money 4/5
Quality 5/5

Is this review helpful? (2)

Reviews (408)

Currently showing all 5 star reviews. Reset

Pros: Absolutely fantastic at clearing up nappy rash. My baby developed nappy rash and it was getting rapidly worse despite using sudocream. Metanium allowed the rash to heal literally overnight. Cons: Difficult to wash off hands after applying (but this means it doesn't come off baby's skin when nappy is damp).

Value for Money 4/5
Quality 5/5

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My baby sometimes get really bad nappy rash with her teething, Metanium heals it in a matter of days. I definitely recommend it!

Value for Money 5/5
Quality 5/5

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A go-to wonder cream for both of my children when they had bad nappy rash. You only need a very tiny blob to spread very thinly so the tube of cream lasts ages. I also found it worked wonders on the odd pimple that appeared on my chin. Great product.

Value for Money 5/5
Quality 5/5

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Very good clears rash in no time well worth the money even tho it smells disgusting

Value for Money 5/5
Quality 4/5

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Couldn't recommend it enough, was using sudocrem and it wasn't clearing up the rash - changed to metanium and it's gone within 2 days with a tiny amount at each nappy change.

Value for Money 5/5
Quality 5/5

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I use metanium everyday nappy cream it's amazing my son never gets a sore bum product is defo 5stars I would recommend it to all mums

Value for Money 4/5
Quality 5/5

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My favourite by far. Easy to apply and clears up the worst nappy rash very quickly

Value for Money 4/5
Quality 5/5

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Excellent cream, very good for treatment and prevention of nappy rash. This was the only brand to help my sons sore bottom after trying out many others.

Value for Money 4/5
Quality 5/5

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I use this when they have thick nappy rash as it starts to clear it up quite quickly, but it does stain the skin and can be troublesome to clean off

Value for Money 4/5
Quality 5/5

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I use the barrier cream it is amazing and stops nappy rash before it even starts I use it at every nappy change and my 6 month old has never had nappy rash.

Value for Money 4/5
Quality 5/5

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