Aptamil Number 2 of 4 in Formula Milk

A well know and popular brand of formula milk. Has one of the highest level of loyalty in the category.


  • Rated No 1 for Quality
  • Rated No 1 Overall


  • Some say it is expensive

"Never had any problem with aptamil, they are brilliant for baby and baby loves it"
Selected Review


The first 6 months are an incredible developmental journey for your baby, taking them from a tiny newborn through to the start of weaning. Our '0-6 months +' range will help you to support your baby’s development from day one. Price shown for First Milk Powder 900g.

More Product Information

RSP £ 10.00

1464 Ratings

Overall Rating

Value for Money 3/5
Quality 4/5
Awareness 4/5
Loyalty 2/5
Popularity 3/5

Most Helpful Reviews

Think this is seen as a slightly better product but when you check the nutrients etc there is very little difference so not really worth the extra money. However I had no problems with it.

Value for Money 3/5
Quality 4/5

Is this review helpful? (11)

Aptamil was our formula of choice as a back up incase breastfeeding wasn't an option for our daughter. I had friends who had used aptamil for their children and had no problems so I went with it. It turns out that she used formula from the day after her birth day until 1 year old. No problems, good value & easy to prepare. Also We noticed a difference in the consistency, colour & smell between the powder vs pre made formula but baby couldn't tell the difference.

Value for Money 4/5
Quality 5/5

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Reviews (933)

Everything my baby needs.

Value for Money 5/5
Quality 5/5

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We have used stage 1 & 2 when combination feeding our son. He took to this well

Value for Money 4/5
Quality 5/5

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Went to the hospital with a couple of bottle of Aptamil first milk as we were expecting to need to feed whilst waiting for my milk to come in. It was very easy to prepare and felt good quality. After 6 months of exclusive BF we introduced the ready prepared Aptamil first milk in a bottle and have breast/bottle fed for the last 5 months. 3 months ago we switched to Aptamil powder as it was cheaper. The milk mixes well, doesn't seem running or powdery and suits our baby. I wouldn't use any other formula milk.

Value for Money 4/5
Quality 5/5

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Comparable to Cow and Gate quality wise but more expensive.

Value for Money 3/5
Quality 4/5

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Have used this since my 10month old was two weeks old. Fantastic! i had to use an alternate brand one night when my baby was small as our store had ran out of Aptimil and she was very sick! Aptimal has always sat well with her and we had no problems with Colic or Reflux

Value for Money 3/5
Quality 5/5

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Always use aptamil as it was recommended by the nurse when I was unable to breastfeed.

Value for Money 3/5
Quality 5/5

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Too rich for my baby and seemed to give her constipation

Value for Money 4/5
Quality 4/5

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We are using aptamil from birth , excellent brand , son are love those product . I prefer aptamil for every mum

Value for Money 5/5
Quality 5/5

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My baby loved Aptamil and it's the only milk his tummy could tolerate.

Value for Money 4/5
Quality 5/5

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My baby enjoys her milk. It was an easy transition from breast to formula milk. It mixes well and doesn't have any lumps when mixed.

Value for Money 4/5
Quality 5/5

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